Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Registration Opens: 6:30 p.m.
Precinct Caucuses Start: 7:00 p.m.
Not sure what precinct you live in?
Click here and follow instructions to find out:
Faribault Middle School
704 - 17th Street West
Faribault, MN 55021
Precincts meeting at this
Cannon City Township
Faribault P-1
Faribault P-2
Faribault P-3
Faribault P-4
Morristown City
Morristown Township
Nerstrand City
Richland Township
Wallcott Township
Warsaw Township
Wells Township
Wheeling Township
Northfield Middle School
(Multiple Rooms - See Below)
2200 Division Street South
Northfield, MN 55057
Precincts meeting at this
Bridgewater Township (room 162)
Dennison City (cafeteria)
Dundas City (cafeteria)
Northfield W-2 P-1 (room 160)
Northfield W-2 P-2 (room 161)
Northfield W-3 P-1 (room 163)
Northfield Township (room 171)
St. John’s Lutheran Church
(St. John’s Hall and Commons)
500 3rd Street West
Northfield, MN 55057
Precincts meeting at this
Northfield W-1 P-2
Northfield W-4 P-1
St. Olaf College
Buntrock Commons
(Black & Gold Ballrooms)
1520 St. Olaf Avenue
Northfield, MN 55057
Precinct meeting at this location:
Northfield W-4 P-2
Carleton College
Weitz Center
320 3rd Street East
Northfield, MN 55057
Precincts meeting at this
Northfield W-1 P-1
Trondhjem Lutheran Church
7525 Garfield Avenue
Lonsdale, MN 55046
Precincts meeting at this
Erin Township
Forest Township
Lonsdale City
Shieldsville Township
Webster Township Precinct 1
Webster Township Precinct 2
Wheatland Township
1 comment:
As convener of the caucus for Northfield 4-1 which will be meeting in St. John's Lutheran church, I am planning on bringing a microphone and small sound system, plus some sheets of white tagboard so that important information can be written during the event. This would include names of delegates and a few other routine things that otherwise would have gotten written on a classroom whiteboard. There does not seem to be any whiteboards in St. John's meeting room, and it's hard in that room to hear what people are saying -- hence the addition of my modest microphone system. It this OK? Thanks. -- Bill McGrath
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