Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Updated Rice County DFL Precinct Caucus Locations

Location #1:

Northfield Middle School
2200 Division Street South
Northfield, MN 55057

Bridgewater Township (room 162)
Dennison City (cafeteria)
Dundas City (cafeteria)
Lonsdale City (cafeteria)
Northfield W-1 P-2 (room 159)
Northfield W-2 P-1 (room 160)
Northfield W-2 P-2 (room 161)
Northfield W-3 P-1 (room 163)
Northfield W-4 P-1 (room 172)
Northfield Township (room 171)

Note: Northfield Precincts W-1 P-1 and W-4 P-2 will be located on St. Olaf (W-4 P-2) and Carleton (W-1 P-1) Campuses.

Location #2:

Weitz Center
3rd Street East
Northfield, MN 55057

Room Number: 236

Precinct caucusing at this location:
Northfield W-1 P-1

Location #3:
St. Olaf College
Buntrock Commons
1520 St. Olaf Avenue
Northfield, MN 55057

Room: St. Olaf College The Lion's Pause

Precinct caucusing at this location:
Northfield W-4 P-2

Location #4:
Forest Township Town Hall
3625 Millersburg Blvd.
Faribault (Millersburg), MN 55021

Erin Township
Forest Township
Shieldsville Township
Webster Township Precinct 1
Webster Township Precinct 2
Wheatland Township

Location #5:
Faribault Middle School
Cafeteria (all precincts)
704 - 17th Street West
Faribault, MN 55021

Cannon City Township
Faribault P-1
Faribault P-2
Faribault P-3
Faribault P-4
Morristown City
Morristown Township
Nerstrand City
Richland Township
Wallcott Township
Warsaw Township
Wells Township
Wheeling Township


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