Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Updated Rice County DFL Precinct Caucus Locations

Location #1:

Northfield Middle School
2200 Division Street South
Northfield, MN 55057

Bridgewater Township (room 162)
Dennison City (cafeteria)
Dundas City (cafeteria)
Lonsdale City (cafeteria)
Northfield W-1 P-2 (room 159)
Northfield W-2 P-1 (room 160)
Northfield W-2 P-2 (room 161)
Northfield W-3 P-1 (room 163)
Northfield W-4 P-1 (room 172)
Northfield Township (room 171)

Note: Northfield Precincts W-1 P-1 and W-4 P-2 will be located on St. Olaf (W-4 P-2) and Carleton (W-1 P-1) Campuses.

Location #2:

Weitz Center
3rd Street East
Northfield, MN 55057

Room Number: 236

Precinct caucusing at this location:
Northfield W-1 P-1

Location #3:
St. Olaf College
Buntrock Commons
1520 St. Olaf Avenue
Northfield, MN 55057

Room: St. Olaf College The Lion's Pause

Precinct caucusing at this location:
Northfield W-4 P-2

Location #4:
Forest Township Town Hall
3625 Millersburg Blvd.
Faribault (Millersburg), MN 55021

Erin Township
Forest Township
Shieldsville Township
Webster Township Precinct 1
Webster Township Precinct 2
Wheatland Township

Location #5:
Faribault Middle School
Cafeteria (all precincts)
704 - 17th Street West
Faribault, MN 55021

Cannon City Township
Faribault P-1
Faribault P-2
Faribault P-3
Faribault P-4
Morristown City
Morristown Township
Nerstrand City
Richland Township
Wallcott Township
Warsaw Township
Wells Township
Wheeling Township


Saturday, February 20, 2016

Changes to Locations of College Precincts in Northfield

The vote of the committee at the Thursday meeting has resulted in moving two of Northfield's caucus locations from the middle school onto the two college campuses.
Specific sites are being finalized, and we will have details here as soon as the official locations are determined.

This will affect DFL caucus-goers in Ward 4 Precinct 2 (residents on and near the St. Olaf campus) and Ward 1 Precinct 1 (this on and near the Carleton campus) only, and should help with traffic flow at the middle school.

Those who caucused in 2008 will recall the large turnouts of both permanent Northfield residents and college students resulted in logistical traffic issues, and we're moving to alleviate some of that congestion, while making it easier for students and others near the campuses to walk to their respective locations.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

DFL Precinct Caucuses - Tuesday, March 1st

The Rice County DFL Precinct Caucuses will take place on Tuesday, March 1st, 2016. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. and the caucuses will convene at 7:00 p.m.

All DFLers (Democrats) are invited to participate.

Here are our local locations:

Location 1:

Forest Township Town Hall Location
3725 Millersburg Blvd West
Faribault, MN 55021

Precincts that will meet here are:
Erin Township
Forest Township
Shieldsville Township
Webster Precinct 1
Webster Precinct 2
Wheatland Township

Location 2:

Northfield Middle School
2200 Division Street South
Northfield, MN 55057

Precincts that will meet here are:
Bridgewater Township (room 162)
Dennison City (cafeteria)
Dundas City (cafeteria)
Lonsdale City (cafeteria)
Northfield W-1 P-1 (location to be determined)
Northfield W-1 P-2 (room 159)
Northfield W-2 P-1 (room 160)
Northfield W-2 P-2 (room 161)
Northfield W-3 P-1 (room 163)
Northfield W-4 P-1 (room 172)
Northfield W-4 P-2 (location to be determined)
Northfield Township (room 171)

Location 3:

Faribault Middle School
704 17th Street SW
Faribault, MN 55021

Precincts that will meet here are:
(all will meet in the cafeteria)
Cannon City Township
Faribault P-1
Faribault P-2
Faribault P-3
Faribault P-4
Morristown City
Morristown Township
Nerstrand City
Richland Township
Wallcott Township
Warsaw Township
Wells Township
Wheeling Township

If you are unsure what precinct you live in visit the district finder at the DFL’s website: https://www.dfl.org/resources/caucus-finder/ Or through the precinct caucus finder on the Secretary of State’s website: http://caucusfinder.sos.state.mn.us/ 

If you are unable to attend the caucuses, and would still like to be nominated for an elected position please fill out the absentee participation form:  http://www.dfl.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/2016-Precinct-Caucus-Absentee-Participation-Form.pdf