Wednesday, July 16, 2014

LINKED: 5 Links for Political Geeks

This is our first "Linked" post. "Linked" is where we share the most interesting and important links that we find via social media, e-mails, and the web. Sometimes we'll do a theme, other times the links we share will be random. We hope you find these posts interesting and useful.

Let's get started!

5 Links for Political Geeks

1.  Party Control of the Minnesota House of Representatives, 1951 to Present

2.  Paul Wellstone's 2002 Campaign Website (make sure you explore this site)

3.  Art of the New Deal

4.  Senate History:  Hubert H. Humphrey, 38th Vice President

5.  Being Biden

Please share!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Rice County DFL 2014 Precinct Caucuses

The Rice County DFL Precinct Caucuses will take place on Tuesday, February 4th, 2014. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. and the caucuses will convene at 7:00 p.m.

All DFLers (Democrats) are invited to participate.

Here are our local locations:

Location 1:

Forest Township Town Hall Location
3725 Millersburg Blvd West
Faribault, MN 55021

Precincts that will meet here are:
Erin Township
Forest Township
Shieldsville Township
Webster Precinct 1
Webster Precinct 2
Wheatland Township

Location 2:

Northfield Middle School
2200 Division Street South
Northfield, MN 55057

Precincts that will meet here are:
Bridgewater Township (room 162)
Dennison City (cafeteria)
Dundas City (cafeteria)
Lonsdale City (cafeteria)
Northfield W1-P1 (cafeteria)
Northfield W1-P2 (room 159)
Northfield W2-P1 (room 160)
Northfield W2-P2 (room 161)
Northfield W3-P1 (room 163)
Northfield W4-P1 (room 172)
Northfield W4-P2 (auditorium)
Northfield Township (room 171)

Location 3:

Faribault Middle School
704 17th Street SW
Faribault, MN 55021

Precincts that will meet here are:
(all will meet in the cafeteria)
Cannon City Township
Faribault P1
Faribault P2
Faribault P3
Faribault P4
Morristown City
Morristown Township
Richland Township
Walcott Township
Warsaw Township
Wells Township
Wheeling Township

If you are unsure what precinct you live in visit the district finder at the DFL’s website: Or through the precinct caucus finder on the Secretary of State’s website:

DFL Platform and Action Agenda

Resolution Form

Letter of Nomination Form (if you are unable to attend caucuses but would like to be elected as a delegate or precinct leader)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A New Year, A Renewed Commitment to Our Neighbors in Need

A New Year, A Renewed Commitment to Our Neighbors in Need
by Senator John Marty
January 7, 2014
This month marks 50 years since President Lyndon Johnson declared a "war on poverty." There were huge victories in that war during the following decade, but after that, the federal government reversed course, cut anti-poverty programs, and our national government effectively surrendered. 

A half century later, as Minnesota and the nation pull out of the recession, some families are doing better economically, and some are doing incredibly well. Yet there are working people and their families staying in homeless shelters because they cannot afford housing. Countless people with mental health or physical health challenges cannot get even basic care. As many as one in three children are growing up in families that cannot afford basic needs. 

Children raised in poverty are stripped of the opportunity we want for all young people - they are more likely to suffer from asthma and other health problems, their brain development and academic potential is compromised. Some overcome the odds and succeed, but many more do not.

We are not proud of this. Sometimes we'd rather just ignore this ugly reality. But despite the federal government's long-ago surrender in the war on poverty, people haven't stopped caring, and many community and religious leaders continue pushing to end poverty. About 10 years ago, some Minnesota faith leaders drafted a "Common Foundation" which stated, 
    "We believe it is the Creator's intent that all people are provided those things that protect human dignity and make for healthy life: adequate food and shelter, meaningful work, safe communities, healthcare, and education.... We are all called to work to overcome poverty, and this work transcends any particular political theory or party and any particular economic theory or structure."
Minnesota, through its legislature, took up the cause in 2008 with a bipartisan commission to map a route to end poverty. Recognizing it is not something we can change overnight, the commission's charge - reflected in its name - was the "Legislative Commission to End Poverty in Minnesota by 2020." 

2014 marks the half-way point to the target date for accomplishing the goal. In 2008, one in ten Minnesotans lived in poverty. Now, it is slightly worse, and for some populations, much worse - almost half of African American children live in poverty. 

Fortunately, there appears to be new momentum. Last year, the state began addressing early childhood education needs. In 2014, it looks like the legislature will significantly increase the minimum wage. And the Dayton administration recently spelled out a bold plan to prevent and end homelessness in Minnesota. 

But even if we get a phased-in hike in the minimum wage to $9.50/hour, that's not enough to live on. Many low income parents work at two, or even three, jobs to make ends meet. And, even if we do end homelessness, we must ensure that health care, and childcare, and food, and other necessities are affordable. 

The challenge is great, but 50 years after our nation declared war on poverty, there are signs of hope. Pope Francis has been outspoken about the moral obligation to end poverty, "A way has to be found to enable everyone to benefit from the fruits of the earth, and not simply to close the gap between the affluent and those who must be satisfied with the crumbs falling from the table, but above all to satisfy the demands of justice, fairness and respect for every human being." 

There has been a positive, bipartisan response. Even Newt Gingrich has taken note of the problem of income inequality, calling on fellow politicians to "embrace the pope's core critique that you do not want to live on a planet with billionaires and people who do not have any food." 

Most of us recognize that poverty is morally unacceptable; many also understand ignoring the problem hurts our economy. We can use 2014, the halfway point in Minnesota's timeline, to recommit our state to building an economy that doesn't leave people behind, and doesn't rob so many children of their potential. 

It's an ambitious agenda - providing living wage jobs, increasing the earned income tax credit, strengthening the childcare assistance program, delivering health care for all - but the well-being of all Minnesotans matters. Paul Wellstone was right: "We all do better, when we all do better." 

Let's Talk Caucus!

"Let's Talk Caucus!" are informal gatherings for folks who'd like to learn more about local Democratic Farmer Labor (DFL) precinct caucuses and socialize with other Democrats (DFLers).

We'll host these gatherings throughout the month of January leading up to precinct caucuses which will take place on Tuesday, February 4th.

Here are the currently scheduled "Let's Talk Caucus!" gatherings:

Let's Talk Caucus! (#1 - Faribault)
When:     Tuesday, January 14th, 2014
                 6:30 p.m.

Where:    Arby's
                313 Lyndale Avenue
                Faribault, MN  55021

Let's Talk Caucus! (#2)
When:     Tuesday, January 21st, 2014
                 6:30 p.m.

Where:    Big Steer Restaurant
                (meeting room in back of restaurant)
                8051 Bagley Avenue
                Northfield, MN  55057

Watch this posting for more "Let's Talk Caucus!" gatherings.