Saturday, June 20, 2020

Rice County DFL - July 2020 Meeting

Join the Rice County DFL at our monthly meeting (Central Committee). 
All DFLers are welcome to attend.

Thursday, July 9, 2020
6:30 p.m. - Meeting Starts

The meeting will be held virtually via Zoom (online).
Please e-mail us at:
To participate in the meeting.

Lawn Signs

Hello Everyone,

Well it's that time of the year. Lawn signs have begun popping up.

If you'd like any of the DFL (Democratic Party) Endorsed candidates' lawn signs - please fill out this request form:

Lawn signs will be delivered as they become available.

Thank you in advance for supporting our local candidates!

Friday, January 3, 2020

2020 Rice County DFL Precinct Caucus Locations


Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Registration Opens:  6:30 p.m.
Precinct Caucuses Start:  7:00 p.m.


Not sure what precinct you live in?
Click here and follow instructions to find out:

Faribault Middle School
704 - 17th Street West
Faribault, MN 55021

 Precincts meeting at this

Cannon City Township
Faribault P-1
Faribault P-2
Faribault P-3
Faribault P-4
Morristown City
Morristown Township
Nerstrand City
Richland Township
Wallcott Township
Warsaw Township
Wells Township

Wheeling Township


Northfield Middle School
(Multiple Rooms - See Below)
2200 Division Street South
Northfield, MN 55057

Precincts meeting at this

Bridgewater Township (room 162)
Dennison City (cafeteria)
Dundas City (cafeteria)
Northfield W-2 P-1 (room 160)
Northfield W-2 P-2 (room 161)
Northfield W-3 P-1 (room 163)
Northfield Township (room 171)


St. John’s Lutheran Church
(St. John’s Hall and Commons)
500 3rd Street West
Northfield, MN 55057

 Precincts meeting at this

Northfield W-1 P-2
Northfield W-4 P-1


St. Olaf College
Buntrock Commons
(Black & Gold Ballrooms)
1520 St. Olaf Avenue
Northfield, MN 55057

Precinct meeting at this location:

Northfield W-4 P-2


Carleton College
Weitz Center
320 3rd Street East
Northfield, MN 55057

Precincts meeting at this

Northfield W-1 P-1


Trondhjem Lutheran Church
7525 Garfield Avenue
Lonsdale, MN 55046

Precincts meeting at this

Erin Township
Forest Township
Lonsdale City
Shieldsville Township
Webster Township Precinct 1
Webster Township Precinct 2
Wheatland Township